Bulang Gushu (Raw)

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  • Blended gushu tea leaves of Menghai
  • Usually 5-6 types/regions of tea leaves are used for blending, most of which are from Bulang Mountain
  • Manifesting the characteristic of Bulang Mountain, brewed tea boasts strong cha qi and pleasant bitterness followed by sweetness
  • Vintage: 2012, 2015, 2016, 2021 
    • 2012: This tea is made under the name of Zhou Bingliang (鄒炳良) of Lao Dong Zhi (老同志)/Haiwan Tea Factory. Known as the father of shou (ripe) pu-erh, he chose the gushu tea leaves of early spring out of Haiwan Tea Factory's Bulang Mountain site, celebrating his visit to Korea in 2012. Tea cake package is wrapped under his own name.
    • 2015: Gushu tea leaves of Bulang Mountain only (single origin)
    • 2021: includes danzhu level tea leaves
  • Menghai, China
  • 30g